IIoTSBOM aims to support end-user organisations, machine and device manufacturers to further improve their security measures by supporting them with valuable knowledge and expertise in specific innovative cybersecurity means for Industrial IoT and IoT and by introducing the Software and Security Bill of Materials (SBOM).
Join us in Antwerp @ The Beacon on November 10th where the IIoTSBOM-team (LSEC, Flanders Make and KU Leuven COSIC) takes stock of the current ongoing product developments and the challenges related to CyberSecurity by opening up the discussion towards agile software development and relating to SBOMs as well as the sense and use of SBOMs for product cybersecurity certification (IEC62443-4-2 and -1 or ISO27400-2022). We’ll be sharing experiences from European and international partners in order to establish a community of European interests for SBOM developments.
Participate, learn and share your experiences with product development design principles and discuss how best to integrate cybersecurity measures and results such as developments of SBOMs.
09.30-10.00 Welcome coffee
10.00-10.30 IIoTSBOM by LSEC and partners introduction & update on SBOM & related developments by Ulrich Seldeslachts, CEO, LSEC
LSEC, Flanders Make and COSIC started IIoTSBOM in December 2021 with the aim to bring the Software Bill of Materials, SBOMs closer to the market by supporting companies in understanding, developing and exploiting SBOMs. SBOMs are required by the US Federal Government, but equally helpful in managing secure development cycles, managing open soure components, supporting the documentation of the CI/CD-chain. In these introductionary notes, Ulrich will also talk about the relation to compliance management and up and coming regulatory requirements.
Click on the title to download the presentation in pdf :
IIoTSBOM annual November 10, 2022 – introduction by Ulrich Seldeslachts10.30-10.45 IIoTSBOM research – Insights into Device Security developments and Vulnerability Management by Dave Singelee, IOF Research Manager, KULeuven
10.45-11.30 Experiences on SBOM projects and Supply chain – Distributed Software Bill of Materials by Rob Van Kranenburg, Chief Innovation Officer, Asvin
11.45-12.30 Getting the SBOM right, and then? – Jan Thielscher, Business & Management Consultant and Project Manager, EACG GmbH & TrustSource
part 1
part 2 :
12.30-13.15 Experiencing from supporting product development companies in the US and SBOM development support – Gonda Lamberink, VP Critical Manufacturing Security Solutions, Fortress Infosec
13.15-14.30 Lunch break & networking
14.30-15.15 SBOM experience in the Healthcare sector, Lucas Catranis, Business Development Director for Connected Health, Irdeto
15.15-16.00 Experiences developing SBOMs for a European company trading globally and developing IEC 62443-4-1 certifications – Cassie Crossley, VP Deputy Product Security Officer, Schneider Electric
Audio Only Interview (no slides)
16.00-16.30 SBOMs in Europe, practical developments – some use cases under development, taking stock of SWOT
- jointly defining SWOT
- listing issues from EU to US
- next steps in Europe
- building the community
16.30-16.35 Flanders Make and the Industry 4.0 smart manufacturing environment ready for an SBOM
16.35-17.30 Networking drinks
For the full event day overview please also visit the dedicated webinar page.
Please register on the Zoom platform to join online for this and other webinars. Every month we’ll be having webinars organised on the topic.
Register to participate online into future webinars via Zoom webinars.