
IIoTSBOM is a collaboration between three not-for-profit entities supporting a CyberSecure and innovative society. It was developed as an action to support companies in Flanders, Belgium and Europe to create awareness on ongoing developments to CyberSecure equipment and machinery in production environments in the first place, in order for the manufacturers to be able focus on their core activities.

In a perfect world, all equipment in a production or business environment should work seamlessly without interruption to guarantee the estimated production and business output.

In reality CyberSecurity incidents take place and tampering not only with the applications, devices, but with the whole production system and the company’s business targets. They impact people’s lives both economically but could also harm physically.

Unfortunately, the responsibility of the CyberSecurity incidents cannot always be clearly identified. Sometimes, they are the result of the business of cybercriminals in an attempt to gain financial benefit by keeping data, systems and companies hostage. Sometimes they can be the result of industrial competition – even friendly and unfriendly nations. Sometimes it can be just a minor mistake or a disgruntled employee. But the impact can be quite large, and have its effect not only on one single company, but a whole ecosystem and even the country or region to which it belongs.

Shareholders, management and employees will be finally impacted with loss of value, loss of customers, trust and employees being discharged.

LSEC – Leaders In Security, KU Leuven COSIC and Flanders Make joined forces to create IIoTSBOM. The Industrial IoT Software and Security Bill of Materials is a project supported by the Flemish Government through the agency for innovation and entrepreneurship VLAIO. IIoTSBOM is an action to support companies with technological and process innovations in order to improve their CyberSecurity today and towards the future and avoid more CyberSecurity incidents from happening.

We reach out to companies in different events, both webinars and seminars. We will utilise this website platform to inform and bring documentation and people closer together. We aim to reach out to companies in order to help them further to innovate with CyberSecurity. If you’re interested, join us and our list of CyberSecurity ambassadors in developing and operating more CyberSecure products and services. Interested companies can agree to a charter in a mission to becoming more CyberSecure and endorse the objective of investigating the innovation opportunities of CyberSecurity withint their organisation.

Join us today and meet us live at up and comings events.

The IIoTSBOM team


Ulrich Seldeslachts, LSEC – Leaders In Security

Dave Singelee, COSIC – KU Leuven

Steven Kauffman, Flanders Make